Safeguarding Information

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Francesca Thompson: [email protected]

Deputy Safeguarding Leads:

Charley Eaglestone: [email protected]

Ruth Evans: [email protected]

Natasha Brewer: [email protected]

Safeguarding Policies

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

Safeguarding Policy 2024_25 Final . .docx.pdf

Anti-Bullying Policy 

Anti Bullying Policy review nov 26 .docx

Attendance Policy 

Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy 24/25

Online Safety Policy 

Online Safety Policy

Mobile Phone Policy 

Pupil Mobile Phone Policy


If you have any concerns about a child's safety or welfare, please contact one of our safeguarding leads. Alternatively, you can call the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 050 7666 or the Emergency Duty Team on 0800833408 and discuss your concerns. If necessary you can do this without giving your name.

You can also report concerns online at:

NSPCC helpline: Parents and carers can contact the NSPCC helpline whenever they’re worried about a child by calling 0808 800 5000, emailing [email protected], texting 88858* or contacting us online at helpline. The helpline is free, available 24/7 and calls can be made anonymously.

Tower Hill Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. We actively listen to all pupils and always take what they tell us seriously. Our aim is for children to enjoy their time as pupils in this school and feel safe and secure in the environment. We work in partnership with all parents, carers and external agencies to help every child achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution to the school community.

In accordance with our responsibilities under section 175/157 of the Education Act 2002 and “Keeping Children Safe in Education“ Sept 2024, we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection, Mrs Thoompson who is the Deputy Headteacher. Mrs Thompson is supported by the following Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Eaglestone (headteacher); Mrs Evans (SENDCo); Mrs Brewer (Assistant Head) . Every member of the safeguarding team has received appropriate training for their roles. All staff members at Tower Hill Community Primary School receive child protection training and updates on a regular basis.

We have safeguarding procedures in place and a Safeguarding Policy in which we adhere to.

The procedures in which we follow have been laid out by the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and the Safeguarding Policy has been written in accordance to their guidelines. If you would like more information regarding our procedures, please contact the school office.

Occasions do arise where we have concerns regarding a child’s welfare. We will always aim to discuss our concerns with parents and carers first. However, on some occasions we may need to share information and work in partnership with Oxfordshire Children’s Services. On these occasions it may be necessary for Children’s Services (whilst investigating an incident under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989) to speak to a child without parent’s knowledge or permission. The decision to do this would be made in collaboration with Children’s Services and would only be in circumstances where a child may be at immediate risk of significant harm.

e-Safety in school

Pupils at Tower Hill Community Primary School are taught through computing and PSHE lessons that personal information should be kept private and that anything that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable should be reported to an adult in school as soon as possible.

There are three areas of risk to children online (although the breadth of issues within each may be considerable). They are:  

  • Content: Illegal, inappropriate or harmful material
  • Contact: Harmful online interaction with advertising or individuals
  • Conduct: Personal online behaviour which can cause harm

Pupils will need to understand that not everything they see online is ‘true, valid or acceptable’ and that sometimes people are not who they say they are or are not sharing real information. Some key questions to ask are:  

  • Is this content/website/link/email fake?
  • What information am I sharing and with who? 
  • Is this person who they say they are? 
  • What’s the reason behind this post/ comment?
  • Is this fact or opinion?
  • Why am I being sent this?  
  • Should I share this? 

e-Safety at home

  • Encourage your child to close down any app, chat, video or images that upset them or make them uncomfortable, and tell you about it.

  • Make sure they know that you can never be completely sure who you are talking to when it's being done over the internet.

  • Don't allow them to use mobile devices or computers with internet connectivity in a room away from you.

  • Insist on knowing usernames and passwords.

  • Do not allow them to open social media accounts which usually have an acceptable usage age of 13 (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc)

  • Regularly check their mobile devices to see what apps have been downloaded and whether these apps have chat functions, video chat or image sharing functions. If they do, you need to monitor them very closely.

  • Check their browser history.

  • Install child security software to limit search functions and filter out some inappropriate material.

  • Teach your child to look for the privacy settings on every app and website that they install/make an account on. Their privacy settings should be locked down as tightly as possible- especially ensure that any functions which show your child's location or allow strangers to contact them, are switched off.

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is:

Jo Lloyd - Designated Officer (LADO)

Tel: 01865 810603

Mobile: 07584 581180 

[email protected]

Donna Crozier - Assistant Designated Officer
Tel: 01865 816382
Mobile: 07901 331799
[email protected]

Sandra Pasquet - Assistant Designated Officer
Tel: 01865 323457
Mobile: 07785 453264
[email protected]

Hannah Holland - Assistant Designated Officer
Tel: 01865 32 3032
Mobile: 07867 467822
[email protected]

Becky Langstone & Sophie Kendall - Education Safeguarding Officers
Tel: 01865 810603
[email protected]


If you cannot contact Jo, Donna, Sandra or Hannah in the first instance, please contact the Safeguarding Team on 01865 810603 or email the LADO team: [email protected]


Useful Websites 

Online Safety - 'CEOP' Protecting your child from abuse online.

Safer Internet Use - Keeping your family safe when using the internet.

NSPCC Preventing abuse - Helping you keep children safe.

The Underwear rule - Talk pants and keep your child safe.

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